Fakultas Teknologi dan Rekayasa Cerdas UK Maranatha

Tuition Payment Procedure

The payment methods for tuition fees are through BCA, BNI, and OCBC NISP:

  1. BCA
    Virtual Account (VA) Code: 39107+20+NRP
    NRP 1872001, then it is written 39107201872001
    Payment procedure through BCA bank can be seen here.
  1. BNI
    Select the PAYMENT menu, then OTHER PAYMENTS, then select Student Payment Center (SPC), enter code 8030+20+NRP
    NRP 1872001, then it is written 8030201872001
    Payment procedure through BNI bank can be seen here.
    Select the PAYMENT menu, then OTHER PAYMENTS, input code 90309+20+NRP
    NRP 1872001, then it is written 90309201872001
    Payment procedure through OCBC-NISP bank can be seen here.